Thursday, March 19, 2009

When I spread my towl in the wind I feel like Batman

The other day at the pool, which has no lifeguard... (no one watching or running it.) there were two drunk college aged boys coming in. They were holding the normal stuff you would expect to see, towls, cooler, bag. Then, once they were settled, they started to spread their towls in the direction of the wind and running around shouting, "Batman, come here! Batman, I'm just like you!" They did this for about five minutes, my kids just stared, at first they laughed at them but then got bored. Soon, and older woman who was jogging by noticed the boys and came in. First she just sat in a beach chair, but a few minutes later she walked right up to one of the men and grabbed the towl from him shouting, "Batman! Oh, sweet heavens! Stop drinking, and start living! Move on, and get lost!" She shooed the two guys out of the pool and smiled at us. She seemed to bow, although I have NO idea why... only about ten minutes later the men were back running around. And about five minutes after they were back, the woman was back too. It's like she had them on GPS or something!!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I would have applauded that woman. Heck, I've been that woman.
